4 Tips from Experts to Help You crack PTE Exam


PTE Academic (PTE-A) is a computer-based English test for students who wish to study and migrate overseas. Achieving a high PTE score is possible, but candidates who wish to do so need to follow a solid PTE Preparation plan. Aspirants of the PTE-A Exam need to spend time studying systematically, rather than practicing randomly based on materials and videos from various internet sites.

Many students wish to get their desired scores by simply sticking to the quantitative way of practice which may not be of much help. It is important to understand that spending long hours studying is of no use if you are not studying from the correct study material along with following the right techniques.

Here are a few useful tips that will give your PTE preparation an immense boost.

  1. Using a Proper Study Material

Having good and trusted study material by your side to guide you can be the key to passing the PTE. Searching online for material to help you study will only result in confusion as there is so much material available online, much of which leads you to inauthentic and irrelevant content that is just a waste of time. To achieve results quicker, it is essential to refer to updated study materials with tips and strategies, coupled with help from experienced PTE trainers is extremely crucial.

An applicant who sits for the PTE exam has to answer around 80 questions, breaking down the questions into the following categories can help:

  • Questions that are difficult but add to the score of a different section 
  • Questions that are your strength and also add to the score of another section.
  • Questions that have a negative marking if answered incorrectly.
  • Questions that require a bit more polishing of skills

This will help you understand questions better and solve them smoothly. 

  1. Time Management

This 2-hour examination requires you to answer around 20 question types in Speaking (5), Writing (2), Reading (5), and Listening (8), which can be a challenge. Therefore, it is crucial that you have an understanding of how to manage your time per question for each section, as some questions only allow a minimum of 3 seconds, whereas others have a more extended time both before and after the allotted time. But the computer in almost all sections never goes to the next question until you click the next button; only Writing does!

  1. Tips for individual sections

Writing: It is important that you understand the topic first and are also aware of the word limit. This can also help you to be precise when dealing with tasks that require you to summarize a paragraph into a single sentence.

Speaking: This section basically focuses on two important pillars of the English language: oral fluency and pronunciation. It is also crucial to avoid the use of unnecessary fillers between your sentences. A simple trick that can help you in this section is recording your own voice, listening to it, and using it to improve your speech and voice clarity. The basic element the computer is marking for pronunciation is your vowel sounds: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes y; to accomplish this, you should be aware of both short and long vowel sounds, that create smooth rhythm and phrasing

Listening: While practicing, try listening to a variety of trusted sources, this can help you get familiar with different accents. Another helpful tip for this section is to practice taking notes as you listen. Also, PTE puts a lot of emphasis on spelling, so it is a wise idea to review basic spelling rules and practice without using a spell checker.

Reading: To improve in this section, it is best to spend as much time as you can practicing your reading, this will help in developing and improving your reading speed. 

  1. Good Vocabulary

Having a strong vocabulary is like having a superpower, it’ll always help you when you get stuck. It can help you in the speaking section if you are lost choosing the right words to use or in the listening section; helping you understand particular synonyms or even in the writing sections by giving you better words to frame your sentences. This habit of learning new words and improving your vocabulary can give your final PTE scores a tremendous boost.

Although following the above tips can help you get a head start, there is so much more you need to know to guarantee a higher PTE examination. Apeiro Training Services specializes in providing services by experts that help you pass your PTE exam with a good score.

Get in touch with us to know more!